Are you Prepared to Chase your Dreams?

kiran sri
2 min readJan 25, 2021

Today in this post, we’re talking about the №1 factor pulling you away from achieving your Dreams.

So many people were asking me, like how do we live our Dream.

People I meet usually say, “ I don’t have time for my dream.”

  • I have mortgages and bills to pay and responsibilities in my job.
  • I don’t have time for my gaming with my twitch channel or for my Instagram account

All the Unnecessary items you buy and invest in is pushing you away from your dreams:

  1. Why’d you buy an apartment that stretches you?
  2. Why is your car so fancy?
  3. Why do you need the new designer wear every time?
  4. Why are you going out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night to the movies and like buying the most expensive piece of popcorn and candy?

The answer to all of your questions is not how much money you make or how much time you have. It’s what you’re spending your money on?

If you feel your car payments are high, sell your car and buy a piece-of-shit car, take the bus. These are the rules we’re talking about. We’re talking about achieving your dreams here.

  1. We’re talking about like I want to be a professional gamer in Twitch and have a million subscribers.
  2. We’re talking about I want to get paid $200,000 to give a speech in a B2B event

Have this as your Mantra. I shouldn’t get anything unless I bleed for it. Otherwise, you will not see the value in it. It’s one big framework you need to hold on to!

I’m not judging people other than I’m asking people, and I’m bringing up a different debate that isn’t being discussed a lot, so do you want to Buy stuff and postpone your Dream or do you want to buy things only if it is necessary and make time for your Dream.

