How much can you Give before you Take?

kiran sri
2 min readJan 22, 2021

Many entrepreneurs have an expectation where they expect a sale has to happen on every Social post.

But this is an old mindset where individuals owners used to spend a bomb on ad platforms such as television or newspaper, and they would expect something in return.

The times have changed, Technology has removed the middlemen, and we have platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, free to market your product. Along with your open platform, the mentality of the audience has changed as well.

The audience expects to get educated. Your prospects would like to know whether:

  1. You are an expert in what you do.
  2. What pain points can you solve?
  3. What are the innovations you are offering along with your product?
  4. How you compare against your competition.

All this will happen only if you start writing and educating your prospects. Entrepreneurs need to look at the bigger picture in the grand scheme of things, if you keep insisting on sales at the end of every document you write during your initial go-to-market phase, you may end up losing your audience.

You must “Give Give Give” before you Take. If you are demanding right from your relationship’s start, your partner may either end up burnt out or quit on you.

So how is your customer any different? So when it comes to marketing, please start educating your audience. Your customers are not the same anymore. They have evolved. If you provide mediocre stuff, your reach will be bad, provide value in your content.

Grow your audience, let people know you are a leader in what you do. Once that is established, start selling.

Trust me, the leads you acquire would be far more worthy than the leads you gain in the initial phase.

